Biblical Studies Africa

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Donation Total: $100.00

School of Biblical Studies

Using an inductive approach, SBS is a nine month course that focuses on all 66 books of the Bible.

Discipleship Bible School (DBS)

The Discipleship Bible School (DBS) is a 12-week introduction to the Bible for students who have already completed the Discipleship Training School (DTS).

Titus Project

The Titus Project at YWAM Muizenberg is a three month program designed to equip the SBS graduates to become effective bible teachers to different audiences within Africa.

Fire & Truth Ministry

Our vision is to bring transformation to the communities of Africa through teaching the bible, discipleship, loving the unloved in practical ways.
About Biblical Studies Africa

Transformation through Biblical Teaching

As Biblical Studies in Africa, we believe that one of the things God is using to transform this continent is biblical teaching, which is helping people develop a passion and hunger to study the scriptures for themselves.

 Our experiences have taught us that what others may consider basic is revolutionary to others. As people have embraced biblical truth, we have seen them grow in their relationship with God. They are motivated to meaningfully engage their own communities and pass on what they received and others have responded to God’s call to go to other nations as missionaries. Our heart is to take biblical teaching to people who have little or no access to biblical teaching. Robert Guest identified Africa as the shackled continent but the shackles are falling off gradually. We see transformation taking place in different parts of Africa.

Interested in donating?

The Biblical Studies Department is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Muizenberg. Our ministry initiatives are possible because of generous partners.

If you would like to support our ministry, click the donate button above. 

Biblical Studies Africa

Our Training Courses

We offer a variety of biblical courses ranging from bible overview courses to training on becoming a bible teacher.

Titus Project

A three month program equipping on becoming effective bible teachers.

School of Biblical Studies

A nine month overview course of all 66 books of the Bible.

Fire & Truth

An ongoing outreach program to the communities of Africa.

SBS Online

An inductive study of all 66 books of the bible in 2 years or under.


A 12 week overview of God’s story through 12 biblical eras.


Are you interested
in studying the bible?

We are here to help equip
you in your spiritual journey!

At Biblical Studies Africa we offer.a variety of courses that will help you better understand the bible and how you can teach it to others. Get in touch today for more information!

Biblical Studies Africa

The map below represents our Bible programs across the African continent. For more information, click on the different countries in color.

Biblical Studies Map Placeholder
Biblical Studies Map

What People
Say About Us

The School of Biblical Studies (SBS) helped me become dependent on God’s heart instead of peoples knowledge and thoughts about God. Now I am confident in the Bible, comfortable in my views and closer to God through the word. SBS also showed me how important it is to read the Bible in community, and how important relationships are to God and how I should actively walk out Gods love in everyday life through applying the truth I found in the Bible
Matilda, (Sweden)
SBS gave me a firm foundation in biblical knowledge that really helps me distinguish the truth from possibly false teachings. It gave me the tools & basic understanding of the Bible to test what people say and think for myself/look in the Bible as the first source. It's actually been crucial in my walk with God and has given me more spiritual stability. It also showed me how amazing, rich, interesting & fun the Bible is!
Esther Romer, (Germany)
The School of Biblical Studies (SBS) helped me to discover the Bible and the connected stories of God with his people. I discovered God’s heart and who he is. I appreciated the opportunity to read it and make my own conclusions. The treasure I received in SBS gave me stability and still helps me in my walk with God today
Sina Oehler, (Germany)

When I heard about Discipleship Bible School (DBS), I knew this school was designed for me. It's a 3 month course that takes you through every book of the bible chronologically and that you read in small groups having great discussions and a growing desire for deeper study of the scriptures. I initially travelled to a closed country to do the school but then it got postponed. A few years later when the school was introduced on our Muizenberg campus, I knew I needed to do it. So I did the DBS and loved it.

We enjoyed it so much that my wife and I then led the DBS with the desire For DTS graduates to have a firm biblical foundation and the DBS lays that foundation.

The Bible is something to be shared and studied in community. That's where we experience so much more of God as we hear from others and share from our own experience.

 Philemon 1:6 ''and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.''

Czernon Markus, (South Africa)
SBS had a big impact in my life. I thought I only came to learn what the bible teaches and gain lots of information but as I went through the course I realized that it all is about having a relationship with God. Studying the scriptures deepened my relationship with God. I want to keep growing in this area. My motivation is to bring others to have the same experience as I did and to bring transformation to others from a mindset of life being lived for self to living for God.
Vivian Allie, (Pretoria, South Africa)
The Discipleship Bible school (DBS) changed my life. I used to struggle to focus on God's word but after the school l feel motivated to read the bible more and more. The school gave me tools to understand as I read. It helped me understand the big picture of the story of scripture. My faith and relationship with God were deepened. Learning about the nature and character of God helped me understand him better and I feel like I am growing everyday as I apply his word. I now have the confidence to help others understand the story on the bible in small bible study groups.
Sipho Ndlovu, (Blantyre, Malawi)
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